Here's why:
During sleep, the body repairs itself and revitalizes organs and muscles. In addition, sleep is important for proper functioning of the immune system and the nervous system. Lack of sleep can result in:
Increased feeling of stress
Impaired memory
Shortened temper
Lower motivation
Slower reflexes
More mistakes
But a good night sleep can be elusive. A survey conducted by the national sleep foundation, found that 60% of adults have problems falling asleep at least a few nights a week.
Here's how:
Keep Regular Hours - Try to go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning, even on weekends.
Develop A Sleep Ritual - Whether it is taking a hot bath, drinking a cup of herbal tea, or reading a book, doing the same things each night just before bed cues your body to settle down for the night.
Exercise Regularly - Exercise can help relieve tension. But be careful not to exercise too close to bedtime or you may have a hard time falling asleep.
Cut down on stimulants - Consuming stimulants such as caffeine in the evening interferes with falling asleep and prevents deep sleep. Instead, have a cup of herbal tea. Which is noncaffeinated, before bed.
Don't Smoke - Smokers tend to take longer to fall asleep, awaken more often and experience disrupted, fragmented sleep.
Drink Alcohol in Moderation - You may fall asleep faster, but drinking alcohol shortly before bedtime interrupts and fragments sleep, leading to poor quality sleep.
Unwind Early in the Evening - D eal with worries and distractions several hours before going to bed. Make a list of things you need to do tomorrow, so you won't think about them all night. Try relaxation exercises, like slow rhythmic breathing once in bed.
Sleep on a Comfortable, Supportive Mattress and Foundation - It's difficult to get deep , restful sleep on a bed that's too small, too soft, or too hard.
Create a Restful Sleep Environment - A dark, quiet room is more condusive to sleep. Sudden, loud noises or bright lights can disrupt sleep. A room that is too hot or too cold can disrupt sleep as well. The ideal bedroom temperature is between 60 - 65 degrees fahrenheit.
Use the Bedroom Only For Sleep and Sex - Don't use the bedroom for things like paying bills, watching television and discussing the problems of the day.
Make Sleep a Priority - Say "yes" to sleep even when you're tempted to stay up late. You'll feel healthier, refreshed, and ready to take on the day!
Take Prescribed Sleep Medications as Directed - Sleep medications should only be used temporarily and as a last resort, but because sleep problems are so common these medications are widely prescribed. If you do use them, follow your doctor's and pharmacists recommendations. Generally, it is best to take prescribed sleeping pills one hour before bedtime, so they cause drowsiness by the time you lie down, and 10 hours before you plan on getting up to avoid daytime drowisiness. Always talk with your doctor before taking sleeping pills including over-the-counter brands. Most over-the-counter sleep preparations contain Diphenhydramine, an anti-allergy sustance that may help you fall asleep quicker but may not provide more restful sleep and may have side effects. Melatonin, another over-the-counter preparation can likely help some persons, but the Melatonin like prescription medication Ramelteon is probably more effective. Tolerance to some prescription medications can develop rapidly and some have the potential to become addictive.
Light and Cognitive Behavorial Therapy - For those who want better sleep without the use of drugs, "light therapy" and "cognitive behavorial therapy" have both been shown to have some benefit. In many communities it may be hard to find these alternative therapies, however, remember too, that while most people with insomnia do not have an underlying sleep disorder, two relatively common conditions -- restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea can cause or contribute to poor sleep quality. If you have questions about either of these conditions ask your doctor.
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